Tuesday, September 06, 2005

open letter to those with a vested interest

i am once more pondering the rewards of giving any concern to a seemingly unconcerned beneficiary.

i invite young women to contact me because the voices of youth are noticably missing from my discussions even though the voices of the mature and elderly are in evidence, and in a sometimes shocking fashion.

would like to ask you personal questions and abstract them into discussable relevant issues in re: rape and my conception of the deleterous effects of modern education on the potential for women to achieve independent, intellectual Self. and yes, as deep as all that.
bad night painting and in bad mood about ostensibly social conscience actions.

am searching for signs that this effort is worth it. feels like trying to snatch straws in a cyclone.
and that's not something that should trouble anyone particularly.

dictate how i may meet you and please remember that i will behave as though we are great friends and i have a right to know something about you.

for the record: i am aware this is not so. <-- in case you need to show anything to the cops. HAR! hope you're cheery,


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