Sunday, March 02, 2008

::pussy is gooD::(you moroN)

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Date: 2008-02-29 12:16:04
PostID: 591308338
Title: (artists) ::pussy is good::

contributors and venue resources for a global art exhibit
featuring all media works.
contact me via this site or directly at:

the show's theme is to be:
the value of womaN to the glory of maN
::pussy is good::

and it seems as though a great many need to be reminded of this.
thanks and let's rock,
don vance

* it's ok to contact this
poster with services or other commercial interests
,==========Original Message==========
From: lexidiem
Date: 02/29/2008 1:23 PM
Subject : ::pussy is good:: & ::interviewees needed::

Dear Mr. Vance,After reading your entry in the the QOTD forum, saw why a few there were expressing concern. Maybe you're not aware of it,
but there is a very large portion of people on this site who are under 18 years
of age, and much of your content is just not appropriate for such an audience.

In addition, one of the photos you have posted on your page, though quite artistic, is not appropriate for such an audience, as are some of your journals.
Can't tell you what to post here on Buzznet, but can tell you when something
crosses the borders of propriety on a site such as this.
Your work has certainly done that.Just letting you know - the ball is now
in your court.

---------------------------------------------------------- --

::greetz:: back at you.
we disagree about a great many things, it seems.
if you have some objection to anything i have posted anywhere on the web or
otherwise, then by any and all means, feel entitled to ignore said postings. if
on the other hand you plainly, or pointedly, disagree with any of my expressed
sentiments, then you have every god and or man given right to do so, and i have
no quarrel with that.i have the feeling that you, in fact, do not disagree with
any of my sentiments [and i thank you for the half compliments tendered]- but i
exhort you to consider just what the absence of my particular brand of expression and candor has fostered in humankind that
has produced the tragic, and by definition unnecessary, obstacles in each of
our paths to a waiting and desired rational human life, which your exhortations
to "propriety" have produced.
it is a long and difficult discussion in which i have only a passing interest
in participating but one i respectfully invite you to examine and engage in.

thanks for the note and keep well,
don vance

------------------------------------------- ------------------------

millieann282000: 02/29/2008 12:23 PM
Yay! Let's get naked! LOL!
millieann282000: 02/29/2008 12:23 PM
I have a question, if it hasn't been done already.

What's you're favorite body part?
boricua3: 02/29/2008 12:30 PM
My legs. I can walk, run, prance, dance and also look good in a mini skirt!
lexidiem: 02/29/2008 12:34 PM
spvix said:
this is not a question
contributors and venue resources for a global art exhibit featuring all media
contact me via buzznet or directly at:
the show's theme is to be:
the value of womaN to the glory of maN
::pussy is good::
and it seems as though a great many need to be reminded of this.
thanks and let's rock,
don vance
Don Vance, this may not be the right site to be pushing this.
Looks like pr0ns to me.
boricua3 said:
I strongly feel like that pic needs to be removed.
lev011 said:
I like the idea, but we have some younger users on here that this might not be
something to be displayed publicly. I'm not chastising...just a wee bit
concerned, that's all.
There are better places on the 'Net for this type of 'art', and Buzznet may not
be the right place.
ISN'T THAT SPAM!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Yes it is, when it's posted here and all over his own site.
rockinponda: 02/29/2008 12:39 PM
What's you're favorite body part?
I like that one!
millieann282000: 02/29/2008 12:40 PM
Me too!
guerillablitz: 02/29/2008 12:44 PM
lexidiem: 02/29/2008 2:41 PM
That is one ugly looking p***y. There's nothing yummy about it.
Yay, new page! Vagina-free!
Looks like Mark agreed, because Mr. Don Vance, aka spvix, is now history here.
k17grl: 02/29/2008 2:54 PM
don't talk to me about body parts - i've seen some nasty and i mean nasty shit
on some new buzznet users profile (please note - if i had known wat was on
there i would NEVER have checked it out). when i 1st joined i was checking the
other newcomers and i ended up on this 32yr olds profile and the 1st thing i
saw was - in fact i don't even know wat it was - whether it was a man, woman or
tranny - i have no idea. but anyway it was there down below covered in pubic
hair and zoomed in right to the centre of (lets just call it shit for now cos i
couldn't really tell wat the fuck it was) and OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i
was horrified, disgusted and had nightmares and recurring image of it all night
it was sooooooooooooooo nasty and the bad thing was i had school the next day
and had to wake up at 6:30am but didn't get any sleep at all
kiastar67: 02/29/2008 3:08 PM
That is one ugly looking p***y. There's nothing yummy about it.

People do NOT know the difference between sensuality and sexually explicit
pictures anymore. BIG difference. Lips ghosting, barely touching, something
left to the imagination! Thumb on a check with a "look," a touch, THAT look
between two people, etc.

You do not have to show the "parts." That is tacky to FORCE people.let them
have a choice thank you. Warn them(I do with my Sam/Dean pics and Vids) I do
not want to click on a site and have to by accident see an erect this or other
parts. I think they do it for shock value!
~dejesuSgoD is the organism congenitally defective?
sadly, it's a goddamNed "open question".
it takes a severe case of "Mad Cow" disease to disagree.

take a look at the current rape stats and tell me that its better to
reinforce the madness of the dreamworld that your parents lied you
into believing which leaves you shattered and moaning in pain at
every little revelation of truth, such as:
::pussy is gooD::
you moroN.

don vance
this just in: about your safe and secure, Christian Communities

Monday, January 01, 2007

The Story Beneath The Skin: pornography

Friday, December 08, 2006

::model wanted:: -nude-

:: modeL wanted :: -nude / photo


female model wanted to produce personal artwork.

obvious nudity. graphic sexual presentation. solo posing. "fake" porn type stuff.

imagery based on digital snapshots.

digital snapshots for further computer manipulation.

bodytype preferred: slim/athletic

eye/haircolor, negligible concern.

please do not send photos of yourself, as i'm

not interested in pictures i did not make.

no weirdos who don't get iT, please.

manhattaN, nyc-

::model wanted:: (obviously nude)

i am not trying to find models for the typical "photo" thing.

i'm translating my own artwork from drawings and
watercolors into photostyle images.
need models for the figure forms.

digital barter. cash is for cigarettes, coffee and whatever is left might cover carfare.

check out:

for some other details,

or the sketchbook to be translated,


i'm looking for a model who recognises fully

that the psychosocial demand for

a living human being to necessarily feel shame and guilt about

being a mortal, living and vibrant, sexual organism, is a demand

for suicide - and responds with a bellywrenching


that is backed by a clenched fist ready to fight for its life.

i'm also proposing an internet collaboration for anyone who is sharp enough know
what time it is.
email me for these particular details.



::i am the reason and the way::
::contact a goddess::
contact a goddeSS

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

open letter to those with a vested interest

i am once more pondering the rewards of giving any concern to a seemingly unconcerned beneficiary.

i invite young women to contact me because the voices of youth are noticably missing from my discussions even though the voices of the mature and elderly are in evidence, and in a sometimes shocking fashion.

would like to ask you personal questions and abstract them into discussable relevant issues in re: rape and my conception of the deleterous effects of modern education on the potential for women to achieve independent, intellectual Self. and yes, as deep as all that.
bad night painting and in bad mood about ostensibly social conscience actions.

am searching for signs that this effort is worth it. feels like trying to snatch straws in a cyclone.
and that's not something that should trouble anyone particularly.

dictate how i may meet you and please remember that i will behave as though we are great friends and i have a right to know something about you.

for the record: i am aware this is not so. <-- in case you need to show anything to the cops. HAR! hope you're cheery,

baleful menace

baleful menace

Current mood: active minded


this still true?

[What is this history of Fantine? It is society purchasing a slave.

From whom? From misery.

From hunger, cold, isolation, destitution. A dolorous bargain. A soul for a morsel of bread. Misery offers; society accepts.

The sacred law of Jesus Christ governs our civilization, but it does not, as yet, permeate it; it is said that slavery has disappeared from European civilization. This is a mistake. It still exists; but it weighs only upon the woman, and it is called prostitution.

It weighs upon the woman, that is to say, upon grace, weakness, beauty, maternity. This is not one of the least of man's disgraces.

At the point in this melancholy drama which we have now reached, nothing is left to Fantine of that which she had formerly been.

She has become marble in becoming mire. Whoever touches her feels cold. She passes; she endures you; she ignores you; she is the severe and dishonored figure. Life and the social order have said their last word for her. All has happened to her that will happen to her. She has felt everything, borne everything, experienced everything, suffered everything, lost everything, mourned everything. She is resigned, with that resignation which resembles indifference, as death resembles sleep. She no longer avoids anything. Let all the clouds fall upon her, and all the ocean sweep over her! What matters it to her? She is a sponge that is soaked.

At least, she believes it to be so; but it is an error to imagine that fate can be exhausted, and that one has reached the bottom of anything whatever.

Alas! What are all these fates, driven on pell-mell? Whither are they going? Why are they thus?

He who knows that sees the whole of the shadow.

He is alone. His name is God. ]


despite the amelioration of expanded opportunity for women.

is society's only coin to remain Human Misery?

god offers a barter for life which is founded upon an acceptable
premise: privation.

no one has a dispute with this coin. it is men who enforce
the fraudulent barter of de-privation that engenders
this misery of the social contract. it is the noble
cause of each Man to reject and dispense with this

this is not to merely dispel the onerous burden placed on
women, but to bring Man to the proper path of a fulfillment
of Self that acknowledges a sovereign right of each to proceed
as each sees fit.

the politics of deprivation demand that many face an undue
suffering that manifests as a bleeding sore of extreme poverty
and avoidable waste.

prostitution is no crime in the barter for escape from privation.
can Man condone these conditions with a light and carefree
chuckle under this program of artificial deprivation? the
answer is "No!"



background filler

okay, the following links are the first rape discussion
part 1
part 2
and the
rape declaration forum, date: 04.28.05

my opinion of what has been going on in regards this effort may be inferred by understanding that the sentiments expressed
here approximate my conceptual view or what men should struggle for as Man; and all too often don't.
yeah well, i'm getting too used to the idea that most people regard a good Man as an unachievable Myth, and crawling, slithering beasts as Man's Nature and worse; ultimate potential.
urrghh...... more later, don


so, pursuant to gathering interested people together to hash out the notion of rape with an eye to a redress, several people were gathered who had an interest. some were professionals in the business of rape (counselling, mediation, reporting).

the links that follow are the second discussion which became an informal hash of spurious claims and erroneous nonsense that is embarrassing to understand properly. the Human Condition is approximately as bad as i suspected, but unfortunately also almost as bad as it can get. listen to the three hour gabfest and make your own judgement. again, i invite anyone with a reasoned opinion to contact me in the interest of a reasonable redress to this (seemingly) worsening condition of the planet's Womanhood.

have fun. you won't.
be well,

every soul is the battlefield

official reports make contradictory claims about the various different crime rates in the u.s. and outside. i live in n.y.c. and have discerned the rise of an underreported and stupefying development. rape is UP and reporting is down.
i'm still getting my head around the appropriate method for redress and cure. to these interests, my lover and i have begun raising awareness in an unusual manner. this link:
rape declaration forum
rape declaration forum">  (wbai radio podcast. wbai radio, 99.5 fm - this file is only temporarily available)
is an example of the scope of the problem and provides some insight as to some particular "whys" in regards the reporting drop, but does little or nothing to provide a viable recourse to coping or redress of the condition.
i would like any and all with an opinion about whether this conception of this problem is accurate or not, to join a discussion about it. and if anyone feels able to offer either an option in persuance to a "cure", or an appropriate adjustment of this view, please make no hesitation to contact me via myspace or">.
be well,