Tuesday, September 06, 2005

every soul is the battlefield

official reports make contradictory claims about the various different crime rates in the u.s. and outside. i live in n.y.c. and have discerned the rise of an underreported and stupefying development. rape is UP and reporting is down.
i'm still getting my head around the appropriate method for redress and cure. to these interests, my lover and i have begun raising awareness in an unusual manner. this link:
rape declaration forum
rape declaration forum">  (wbai radio podcast. wbai radio, 99.5 fm - this file is only temporarily available)
is an example of the scope of the problem and provides some insight as to some particular "whys" in regards the reporting drop, but does little or nothing to provide a viable recourse to coping or redress of the condition.
i would like any and all with an opinion about whether this conception of this problem is accurate or not, to join a discussion about it. and if anyone feels able to offer either an option in persuance to a "cure", or an appropriate adjustment of this view, please make no hesitation to contact me via myspace or
be well,


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