Friday, December 08, 2006

::model wanted:: -nude-

:: modeL wanted :: -nude / photo


female model wanted to produce personal artwork.

obvious nudity. graphic sexual presentation. solo posing. "fake" porn type stuff.

imagery based on digital snapshots.

digital snapshots for further computer manipulation.

bodytype preferred: slim/athletic

eye/haircolor, negligible concern.

please do not send photos of yourself, as i'm

not interested in pictures i did not make.

no weirdos who don't get iT, please.

manhattaN, nyc-

::model wanted:: (obviously nude)

i am not trying to find models for the typical "photo" thing.

i'm translating my own artwork from drawings and
watercolors into photostyle images.
need models for the figure forms.

digital barter. cash is for cigarettes, coffee and whatever is left might cover carfare.

check out:

for some other details,

or the sketchbook to be translated,


i'm looking for a model who recognises fully

that the psychosocial demand for

a living human being to necessarily feel shame and guilt about

being a mortal, living and vibrant, sexual organism, is a demand

for suicide - and responds with a bellywrenching


that is backed by a clenched fist ready to fight for its life.

i'm also proposing an internet collaboration for anyone who is sharp enough know
what time it is.
email me for these particular details.



::i am the reason and the way::
::contact a goddess::
contact a goddeSS